
Showing posts from April, 2020

How Biking is a Great Way to Combat Mental Trauma Caused by COVID-19?

As shopping is almost prohibited everywhere during the COVID-19 pandemic, bicycle stores are still open in some places. These shops are providing a service of cycling as an exercise, or as the primary source of conveyance to nurses, doctors and shopkeepers. There is still another option; many storekeepers will be operating differently but you can always make a purchase. With your local bike shop, you will be able to find a bike that suits your requirements and possibly get a free six month or twelve-month service warranty! So, if you are not able to buy an  e-foldable bike , then buy a bike from your local store and help them in these hard times. ·          Getting comfortable on your bike! Pro-cyclists who have been riding their bikes for a long time are still altering their fit—when it comes to performance, for some riders, bike fit is an overwhelming process of adjustment, dependent on individual factors and goals.  Tip: Get tips to buy cheap foldable   elec

2020 Commuter’s Guide for a Bike Enthusiast | Bike Scooter City

There is no denying the fact that no two commuters or bike rider will ever have the same requirements. It is dependent upon certain factors, such as where you reside, where you work, and what you do—all are required to shape your route and the gear you need.  Today, there is a wide range of bicycles and  cheapelectric bikes   available sharing one common feature, i.e. utility. The right bike should serve one purpose - getting you to work on time. But while you look for the perfect option, consider how much gear you have to take with you, how much the distance you need to cover, your budget, how fast, and will you be getting sweaty when you reach your destination. What the part does budget play? It is easy to find a bike with useful features under $400 but if you are looking for extra features, such as a rack or basket, disc brakes, and fenders, be ready to pay twice as much.  For longer routes and faster commutes, a lighter bike with more gears is ideal